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Sep 29 2016

Commodore C64 Survives Over 25 Years Balancing Drive Shafts In Auto Repair Shop

One common complaint in the twenty-first century is that nothing is built to last. Even complex, expensive computers seem to have a relatively short shelf-life nowadays. One computer in a small auto repair shop in Gdansk, Poland, however, has survived for the last twenty-five years against all odds. In January a photo was taken by Facebook

Quelle: Battered But Not Beaten Commodore C64 Survives Over 25 Years Balancing Drive Shafts In Auto Repair Shop

Apr 18 2016



Jul 25 2014

DIY Phone Fabrik in St. Pauli

Eine coole Idee .. ich bin am überlegen, ob ich mit mache:  

Fablab “Fabulous St. Pauli” baut für vier Wochen eine temporäre Produktionsanlage für Mobiltelefone im “Park Fiction” auf, wo das DIY-Handy von David Mellis zusammengebaut werden soll. DIY Phone Fabrik in St. Pauli 

Jul 7 2014

Wired: The Unnoticed Gadgets That Power Our Economy Deserve a Real OS

We are surrounded with a class of mobile devices that are ten or more  years out of date, and predate any iPhone or Android phone entirely:

Enterprise-class devices:

– scanners that grocery clerks use to track inventory,

– stylus tablets that couriers log their deliveries on,

– handhelds that stockkeepers take into the warehouse,

– the button-covered rectangle the agent uses to check in your rental car.

Most of them are Windows CE based devices which were used by consumers at the end of last century!  But why is this? The industry needs an enterprise operating system optimized for reliability, but also battery life. As Apple seems unwilling to allow non-Apple devices to run its operating system, it becomes a race between the other two big player: Microsoft and Google.

More: http://www.wired.com/2014/07/enterprise-gadgets-better-os

Jul 20 2013

New Minecraft Lego Sets Incoming! – News – Minecraft Forum

New Minecraft Lego Sets Incoming! - News - Minecraft Forum

New Minecraft Lego Sets Incoming! – News – Minecraft Forum.

Apr 10 2013

How Far is it to Mars?

How Far is it to Mars?.

Mar 15 2013

Memoto – automatic lifelogging camera

Memoto - automatic lifelogging camera
Memoto – automatic lifelogging camera.

Feb 14 2013

GK802 Android Mini PC

Android Mini PC

Feb 4 2013

Aus für den Demoszene-Oscar

Aus für den Demoszene-Oscar | heise online.

Jan 29 2013

Samsung GALAXY YOUM Flexible Display Proto-type [CES 2013]

Samsung GALAXY YOUM Flexible Display Proto-type [CES 2013] – YouTube.