QR Code Business Card
Feb 21 2022

Building for the 99% Developers | Future

Building for the 99% Developers | Future

This is a good post on the huge gap between what “developer-influencers” from the big FAANGs are talking about, and the daily reality of most developers.  It puts your(our) work in to perspective. Definitely a good read.


Feb 10 2022

What Problem Blockchains Actually Solve – The Solution Space


I see more and more private Blockchains or Blockchains that have a central trust. I don’t get it. If its private, use your Database, if your architecture needs a central control.. guess what its again your Database.

Blockchains do address a real problem: Keeping track of a record without access to a shared trusted party. However, it also casts serious doubts on Blockchain projects which require central trusted entities anyway. Private Blockchains are a contradiction in terms where you get all the complexity of Byzantine Consensus but none of its benefits as it is nevertheless centralized around a trusted party.


Source: What Problem Blockchains Actually Solve – The Solution Space

Dec 15 2021

Honest Security

  • When was the last time the security team gave you personalized advice?
  • When was the last time the security team or even IT team asked for your permission before they made a change to your laptop?
  • When was the last time the security team asked you for your thoughts on security risks you see in your daily workflow?
  • Can you recall that time where they asked you how upcoming security changes to your device would impact your daily workflow?

Good questions, read more at:


Source: Honest Security

Dec 15 2021

Kommentar zu Log4j: Es funktioniert wie spezifiziert | heise online

Ja so ist Java (JNDI/RMI/….):

Man muss sich das wie einen Dreijährigen vorstellen, der sich jede Klasse in den Mund steckt, um herauszufinden, wie sie schmeckt und ob sie sich ausführen lässt.


Leider war:

Ganz besonders nicht dynamisch aus dem Internet nachgeladener Code.

Quelle: Kommentar zu Log4j: Es funktioniert wie spezifiziert | heise online

Jul 30 2020

Remote work is having a moment, but the future isn’t hybrid

Some good insights on the future on a remote/hybrid workplace.

Source: Remote work is having a moment, but the future isn’t hybrid

Jul 30 2020

Code of Conduct for Managers | Small Business – Chron.com

  • Honesty – Effective managers must be honest about aspects such as production and profit at all times.
  • Accountability – Take responsibility for your actions and overall performance
  • Integrity – Be consistent in your decision-making and resolution of issues
  • Respect –  Treat staff members, customers and your own supervisor with the same respect you would expect for yourself.
  • Flexibility – Show patient and work with those in need of assistance

Quelle: Code of Conduct for Managers | Small Business – Chron.com

Jul 30 2020

Updated Work Expectations During Covid-19 Quarantine and Some Additional Thoughts – Tettra – Tettra

Updated Working Guidelines
Try your best to work 30 hours a week, but take the time you need to stay healthy and over-communicate with the team for now.

Source: Updated Work Expectations During Covid-19 Quarantine and Some Additional Thoughts – Tettra – Tettra

Jul 27 2020

4 Work-From-Home Mistakes That Cost Businesses Thousands Of Dollars

Remote Work: 6 Common Mistakes You Really Should Avoid to Stay ...

The four mistakes, from the article:

  1. Using Too Many Online Tools – thats should be obvious, because this cuts down costs, maintenance and friction.
  2. Instituting Mandatory Meetings – Don’t replace meetings with Zoom calls. Use async ways to communicate instead.
  3. Not Being Explicit About Expectations  – Create agreements about how decisions are made and what it means for a task to be done.
  4. Depending On Real-Time Conversations – Use async tools like. Email, Slack , RfC, etc. and don’t expect people to answer in minutes.

Working from home doesn’t have to be a copy cat of your office set up. Open yourself up to new possibilities of getting things done, working together and creating culture.

Source: 4 Work-From-Home Mistakes That Cost Businesses Thousands Of Dollars

Jun 28 2019

The C64 – Retro Games

Whaooo … the C64 is back, this time full-sized for the dedicated retro C64  fan. It featuring three switchable modes – C64, VIC 20, and Games Carousel. And you can connect via HDMI using 720p HD.

Noice … you can pre order it for 120 Euro at Amazon.

Quelle: The C64 – Retro Games

Jun 19 2019

The 4 essential questions to ask yourself as a leader – Signal v. Noise

Instead of seeking answers, becoming a better leader starts with asking ourselves the right questions.

How can I

  1. create an environment for people to do their best work?
  2. create as much clarity and coherence about what needs to get done and why?
  3. personally model the behavior I want to be true across my team?
  4. see things for what they are, instead of what I want them to be?

Source: The 4 essential questions to ask yourself as a leader – Signal v. Noise