Bowery is a limitless development environment available at is free for DEVELOPERS and STARTUPS. All you need to do is configure one simple file per host. With a few lines bowery is setting up a host inkl. your app, the dependencies (like redis, mongodb,..) and up you go. Your app will be online in a short time inkl. ssh access to the VM.
PS: Signup is done via the CLI. I think this is a trend 😉
Working with several Vagrant boxes in parallel can be tricky. So today I wrote a small shell script to help me here. It will
start the VM (if not already running),
Login into the VM via SSH,
suspend the VM after exiting the VM (if you want)
Shell script:
if [ -f ./Vagrantfile ]
if vagrant status | grep -q "running ("
echo Box is already running
echo Starting box ...
vagrant up
echo Login in ...
vagrant ssh
read -n1 -p "Suspend box ? [y,N]" doit
case $doit in
y|Y) vagrant suspend ;;
n|N) echo OK ;;
*) echo OK ;;
echo No Vagrantfile found!
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