DevOps As A Philosophy – DZone DevOps
“People, not process, are the most common cause of DevOps failures.”
“People, not process, are the most common cause of DevOps failures.”
Very well written online documentation – you should have a look if you are on the DevOps path (see my previous post).
Ops School is a comprehensive program that will help you learn to be an operations engineer. Operations engineers are highly skilled people who manage the computer systems of businesses big and small.
Source: Ops School Curriculum — Ops School Curriculum 0.1 documentation
The Fn project is a container native serverless platform that you can run anywhere — any cloud or on-premise. It’s easy to use, supports every programming language, and is extensible and performant.
Quelle: Fn Project – The Container Native Serverless Framework
turns out not to be so trivial after all.
Quelle: A Little Story About the `yes` Unix Command | Matthias Endler
Concourse is a CI system composed of simple tools and ideas. It can express entire pipelines, integrating with arbitrary resources, or it can be used to execute one-off tasks, either locally or in another CI system.
This is the next big thing … for sure! I mean, the idea is old, but someone managed to give it a simple UI and API:
I just stumbled upon setting the JAVA_HOME on a remote OS X Server. I tried following the output of whereis. But this was not leading me to the right track folders.
To make things short, just add this to your .profile/shell:
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)
Bowery is a limitless development environment available at is free for DEVELOPERS and STARTUPS. All you need to do is configure one simple file per host. With a few lines bowery is setting up a host inkl. your app, the dependencies (like redis, mongodb,..) and up you go. Your app will be online in a short time inkl. ssh access to the VM.
PS: Signup is done via the CLI. I think this is a trend 😉