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Mar 27 2019

DevOps As A Philosophy – DZone DevOps

“People, not process, are the most common cause of DevOps failures.”

Quelle: DevOps As A Philosophy – DZone DevOps

Nov 15 2018

Ops School Curriculum — Ops School Curriculum 0.1 documentation

Very well written online documentation – you should have a look if you are on the DevOps path (see my previous post).

Ops School is a comprehensive program that will help you learn to be an operations engineer. Operations engineers are highly skilled people who manage the computer systems of businesses big and small.

SourceOps School Curriculum — Ops School Curriculum 0.1 documentation

Nov 12 2018

The DevOps Road Map – A Guide for Programmers

A really  good roadmap on how to evolve into a DevOps:

Article: https://dzone.com/articles/the-devops-roadmap-for-programmers

Image Source: https://github.com/kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap (There are also some for frontend/backend developers)

Feb 14 2018

Fn Project – The Container Native Serverless Framework

Figure 4. The Fn project's logo

The Fn project is a container native serverless platform that you can run anywhere — any cloud or on-premise. It’s easy to use, supports every programming language, and is extensible and performant.

Quelle: Fn Project – The Container Native Serverless Framework

Oct 13 2017

A Little Story About the `yes` Unix Command | Matthias Endler


The trivial program yes turns out not to be so trivial after all.

Quelle: A Little Story About the `yes` Unix Command | Matthias Endler

Apr 18 2016



Jan 18 2016

Concourse: CI that scales with your project

Concourse is a CI system composed of simple tools and ideas. It can express entire pipelines, integrating with arbitrary resources, or it can be used to execute one-off tasks, either locally or in another CI system.

Quelle: Concourse: CI that scales with your project

Jun 18 2014

Internet of things – Twitter for social machines

This is the next big thing … for sure! I mean, the idea is old, but someone managed to give it a simple UI and API:



May 23 2014


I just stumbled upon setting the JAVA_HOME on a remote OS X Server. I tried following the output of whereis. But this was not leading me to the right track folders.

To make things short, just add this to your .profile/shell:

export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)

Apr 25 2014

bowery.io – limitless development environment

Bowery is a limitless development environment available at http://bowery.io/.It is free for DEVELOPERS and STARTUPS. All you need to do is configure one simple file per host. With a few lines bowery is setting up a host inkl. your app, the dependencies (like redis, mongodb,..) and up you go. Your app will be online in a short time inkl. ssh access to the VM.

PS: Signup is done via the CLI. I think this is a trend 😉