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Apr 25 2014

bowery.io – limitless development environment

Bowery is a limitless development environment available at http://bowery.io/.It is free for DEVELOPERS and STARTUPS. All you need to do is configure one simple file per host. With a few lines bowery is setting up a host inkl. your app, the dependencies (like redis, mongodb,..) and up you go. Your app will be online in a short time inkl. ssh access to the VM.

PS: Signup is done via the CLI. I think this is a trend 😉

Apr 24 2014

Vagrant shell script

Working with several Vagrant boxes in parallel can be tricky. So today I wrote a small shell script to help me here. It will

  • start the VM (if not already running),
  • Login into the VM via SSH,
  • suspend the VM after exiting the VM (if you want)

Shell script:
if [ -f ./Vagrantfile ]
if vagrant status | grep -q "running ("
echo Box is already running
echo Starting box ...
vagrant up
echo Login in ...
vagrant ssh
read -n1 -p "Suspend box ? [y,N]" doit
case $doit in
y|Y) vagrant suspend ;;
n|N) echo OK ;;
*) echo OK ;;
echo No Vagrantfile found!

Apr 16 2014

RSS fetch

Just want to download a Podcast (like Frühstück bei Stefanie) to you local machine?
This does the trick:

grep -oP “(?<=)[^<]+" podcast2956.xml | xargs wget

Apr 15 2014

Copy text from terminal without formating (OSX)

run inside a terminal:

defaults write com.apple.Terminal CopyAttributesProfile com.apple.Terminal.no-attributes